Saturday, October 17, 2009

The biggest assumptions that people have about going green is that it is expensive and difficult.This post will list several different ways to go green at home for little to no money.

• Replace your light bulbs with Compact Florescent light bulbs. These are not only eco-friendly (use 75% less electricity), but they will last longer and save you money.

• Unplug electronics that are not in use. Having things plugged in can waste electricity and money. Using a power strip makes this easy. Just turn the power switch off when your electronics are not in use.

• Recycle old electronics. Recycling means that old cell phones and keyboards will not end up in a landfill. Recycle. Refurbish. Reuse.

• Support local farmers. Local food is usually organic and fresh. Food in grocery stores has probably travelled across the country wasting gas (burning fossil fuels).

• SAVE WATER. This is a big one. Fresh water is hard to come by in so many countries all over the world. By conserving water we are helping the world and not depleting reservoirs. There are many ways to conserve water.
1) Taking showers uses less water than taking baths.
2) Take shorter showers.
3) Replace your shower head with a low-flow one. This will save water and money.
4) Fix any leaky or drippy faucets.

• Use energy star appliances.

• Always wash a full load of laundry and dishes.

• Wash with cold water as much as possible. This saves on energy/electricity.

• Use less gas by walking or riding a bicycle. *30% of carbon dioxide emissions come from vehicles.

• Skip bottled water and buy a reusable water bottle such as a nalgene or camelback.

• Find your local library and check out books. This is a great money saver.

Hopefully this post has given you a few ideas of how you can make a difference and maybe save a little money. I believe it is difficult to change your regular routine, but start simple. Ride public transportation once a week. Take one or two minutes off of your shower time. All of this info can be found here and here.


  1. These are great solutions to going green.

    Our family uses CFLs instead of incandescent lightbulbs. They may look weird, but they save energy and money over time.

    I also have a reusable water bottle. It's nice not to waste water bottles every time you need to have some water. Just stop by a water fountain and fill your nalgene bottle up!

    There is that option of going organic in foods, but can everyone do this? Organic foods are more expensive, so not everyone can afford it. A solution to this is to have people grow their own garden of food. We grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lemon grass and squash. It's nice, but to do this requires a sufficient amount of land.

    Give up one thing for another...

  2. Yeah. I have been thinking about these things the past few days. You do not need to do everything on this list. Doing a few makes a difference. If everyone does something to help than that is a big difference.
