Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crazy for Nuts

This year, when I went to buy a pumpkin to carve for Halloween, I was surprised to see a limited selection of mostly small pumpkins. This right here is evidence that climate change is occurring. Think about it. Each year some crop is hit either due to flooding or drought. About a week after my pumpkin adventure I started to notice all of the acorns on the ground. What shocked me was the number of acorns on the ground. Apparently this year the squirrels are going crazy over the tremendous number of nuts compared to last year. As my mother started telling me this, I could not believe it. She then went on to tell me that chicken will become very expensive and difficult to find in the upcoming months.

It amazes how the weather affects our daily lives. Food is necessary for our survival, but has it been a luxury that we have taken for granted? I go to the dining hall every day. I go through the lines and have to choose between many options. It is hard for me to imagine a world where there are not any chooses. I am a picky eater. There are some foods I cannot stand to eat, but what if those are my only options. Last year’s weather shapes this year’s crop abundance. It is really that simple. My biggest fear out of all of this is that the government is not thinking about the weather’s effects.


  1. Food shortages is an issue that can be scary to think about. I understand where your coming from with the situation but I feel like nowadays it would become very impossible to happen with so much improved technology. I know it's not as if we can control the weather but does human advancement of technology counter any environmental damages in your opinion or is this something out of our hands?

  2. Good weather is essential for productive crop seasons. I never thought about the squirrels. However, I did notice that there are a lot more squirrels here than back at my hometown.

    The squirrels are behaving like humans, saving food for the future by piling up acorns. That's similar to us stocking up on staples like milk and bread before bad weather.

    Will the weather be THAT bad in order to diminish chickens or other foods?

  3. Its not that the weather will be that bad. Last year's weather was unusual, which has caused problems with this year's crops and animals. When weather changes humans just cope. I think we do not think about the future consequences.

  4. Weather is definitely a major component of how crops will produce and the amount produced. Are you saying that there are less crops and animals this year because of the weather patterns last year? In other words are you trying to say that the climate was unusual last year as a result of poor choices made on the environment by humans (humans increasing global warming) or that the weather was just simply random?

  5. Thats quite surprising. I did not know how much climate could effect crops. I do agree that in some cases we do abuse food and take it for granted at least in this country. However, I do not believe that the weather could drastically change the crop supply so much so that it will reduce food supplies for people. The government probably believes that as well and is not really concerned much for the weather.
