Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's our home: Earth

When I first started this project, I knew that the Earth’s surface temperature is increasing. What I did not know was how serious climate change and global warming are. Over the past few years I have noticed a change in the weather patterns. My knowledge has grown a tremendous amount.

I started off by talking about the reason why I became so interested in the environment. I read an article that mentioned an unusual solution. This got me thinking about why this matters to me. Why should I care about the Earth? Why should any of us care? Earth is our home. Through this process I have come to appreciate the Earth and all that it offers humans like resources, food, water, weather, and a place to call home.

Global warming is just one impact of climate change. Other impacts include severe weather, lack of natural resources, and decrease in crop yield. I then started to look into solutions. It appears that there are many right now solutions, but nothing permanent. These solutions include renewable sources, carbon taxing, and cap and trade.

Renewable sources are resources that naturally replenish over a short amount of time. Wind, Sunlight, water, geothermal and biomass are all considered renewable sources of energy. These energies mostly provide electricity, but can also supply heat to houses, and fuel to cars. So what can individual households do? I think if you can afford to make switches to renewable resources you should think about it. Although it can be an expensive at first in the long run you will save money and energy. For others that do not have all the money in the world, there are small and simple things you can do around the house to make a difference. Some of those things include, changing a light bulb and making sure you do not have any leaky faucets.

If every household makes little changes then we are making a large step to helping the environment. What I mean to say is that these changes add up, but I wonder is this enough? Will any of the changes be enough to counteract human impact?

The other solutions (cap and trade and carbon taxing) basically mean that industries have to pay for their pollution, which gives them incentive to use renewable sources. For a right now solution this is very possible. I think this solution would allow us to maintain carbon levels and research a long term solution.

Lately, I have spent time thinking about these solutions and if we have enough time. If we do not make changes soon, we could see some serious problems. What changes can we make? Will they be enough? I think I have taken for granted my time on Earth. I assume that I will have a tomorrow. I assume that I will have food and water. The truth is that our natural resources will not be able to support our population. The weather could very well destroy our land causing us to be unable to grow crops.

The world we live in is not so safe, but it is our pollution and very being that has caused this. As the Earth gets sicker, it starts to pollute our lives. At some point the Earth could become unlivable. Maybe changing our lives now would allow future generations to enjoy a semi-normal Earth, without the possible consequences we face today. Maybe the damage we have caused can be healed, but it will take one big Band-Aid.

This Blog has forced me to think about my own life and daily routine. I appreciate the time I have spent on Earth and look forward to the years to come. Now I am more conscience of turning off the faucet while brushing my teeth or using Eco-friendly light bulbs. I hope that my growth of knowledge and thinking has allowed readers to learn about human impact on the Earth and what we can do now to heal our home.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Looking Into my Crystal Ball

First of all predicting future climate and weather is not easy. As I have said before climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time (usually thirty years). By averaging we are smoothing out the unpredictable nature of weather. This makes our predictions of climate reliable.

All scientists can do is use our history to infer what the future will hold if this goes unsolved (meaning that humans do not make any changes to their lives). Climate change will have impacts anywhere form “disruptive to catastrophic.” More severe weather is expected only because it has occurred more often now. Changes will differ from region to region, but one universal problem the world is predicted to see is a decrease in crop yield. This is a serious problem because we already live in a world filled with “food shortages and famine.”

Even if the United States takes steps to reduce emissions the problem is going to get worse. Under law the United States Global Change Research program is required to report on the effects of climate change every ten years. Many effects are the same that we have seen for many years like extreme weather, heat waves and droughts due to the increase of greenhouse gases, and erosion. “But the speed and severity of these effects in the future are expressed with less certainty in the report and will depend to some extent on how quickly the United States and other nations move to reduce emissions.” How severe these impacts are, is entirely up to us and the actions we take to reduce emissions.

According to a report issued by the United States Global Change Research Program global warming is undoubtedly caused by humans. “Climate changes are underway and include increased stresses on water supplies, challenges to livestock and crop production, risks to coastal areas from rising sea levels and storm surges, health risks, quality of life issues in urban areas and permanent changes to entire ecosystems.” The Southwestern part of the United States has had the most severe reactions. Overall this is a time sensitive topic. We need to make changes before it is too late.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


In my last post I ended by questioning what the government was doing to help the environment. It is only fair to research and see what Obama is doing with the climate change problem. By signing an “executive order,” Obama is taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Now the federal government must set “targets” for reducing emissions from buildings and transportation. By setting a time limit of ninety days to set its targets, Obama is sending a message to the public. It is obvious that this problem is important to the president.

" ‘As the largest consumer of energy in the US economy, the federal government can and should lead by example when it comes to creating innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,’ Obama said in a statement.” Honestly this statement makes me believe that the government is looking at the future and recognizing an issue. Obama wants Congress to pass a bill setting “mandatory limits.” The problem is that we do not know if this solution will work. Eventually, the president would like to require major industries to also set limits.

I think a big problem with solutions is time. I am not saying that we are running out of time, but time is crucial. The longer we wait the more expensive it will be. The longer we wait the more inconvenient the solutions will be. The longer we wait…. Who knows where we will be in five or ten years. What I do know is I love Earth. I want to do something.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crazy for Nuts

This year, when I went to buy a pumpkin to carve for Halloween, I was surprised to see a limited selection of mostly small pumpkins. This right here is evidence that climate change is occurring. Think about it. Each year some crop is hit either due to flooding or drought. About a week after my pumpkin adventure I started to notice all of the acorns on the ground. What shocked me was the number of acorns on the ground. Apparently this year the squirrels are going crazy over the tremendous number of nuts compared to last year. As my mother started telling me this, I could not believe it. She then went on to tell me that chicken will become very expensive and difficult to find in the upcoming months.

It amazes how the weather affects our daily lives. Food is necessary for our survival, but has it been a luxury that we have taken for granted? I go to the dining hall every day. I go through the lines and have to choose between many options. It is hard for me to imagine a world where there are not any chooses. I am a picky eater. There are some foods I cannot stand to eat, but what if those are my only options. Last year’s weather shapes this year’s crop abundance. It is really that simple. My biggest fear out of all of this is that the government is not thinking about the weather’s effects.

Annotated Post (Quick Information)

In this post I am going to look at just a few of the websites I have used during my blogging experience. This will hopefully help your understanding of the environmental issues climate change and global warming.

1. The overall rate of warming is increasing. There is not enough plants to absorb the amount of carbon dioxide humans are producing. The warming could become uncontrollable and cause all sorts of severe weather.

2. Burning fossil fuels is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions from the United States comes from electricity, transportation, commercial and agricultural activities. In developing countries emission are rising. Overall agriculture And farming could be at stake, which may cause severe health problems for humans.

3. Skeptics agree that global warming is occurring, but humans are not the cause of it. Some skeptics believe that it is the Earth's natural cycle, while other skeptics believe that something has triggered this natural cycle. Scientists have not proved that the increase of temperature is caused by a natural cycle. They have, however, proved that emissions are dangerous to the environment.

4. Renewable energies can be replenished quickly and do not directly emit greenhouse gases. Renewable energy is mainly used to produce electricity, heat homes, and fuel cars. Although renewable energy is growing, we still rely on non-renewable energies to meet our energy needs.

5. We need to act now in order to keep the costs minimal. Cap and trade is one solution that forces companies to pay for their pollution. By doing so companies will be influenced to pollute less. Cost will remain low for a short time. This solution would give scientists some time to discover a more permanent solution.

6. With the weak economy comes a lull in industry, which means that emissions are down. Our needs for wood and power are also down. By using more green effects we can stimulate our economy. The only problem is that some sort of bill has to pas through the legislature (example: cap and trade or carbon taxing: both of which would boost energy efficiency).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What to do?

This morning I read an article about Duke University’s plan to become climate neutral (net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases) by 2024. By saving energy Duke will save money in the future. The university has already spent twenty million dollars “to switch some campus operations over to natural gas, which could cut coal consumption by seventy percent.” Over forty years, Duke plans to spend one hundred million dollars for the entire project, which includes energy efficiency, using renewable energy options like biomass and solar energy, reopening an old energy plant that currently runs on natural gas, and paying farmers to capture the methane produced by hogs. Duke also hopes to reduce the amount of drivers on campus. What makes Duke stand out of the crowd is that the UNC system has agreed to become carbon neutral by 2050. Climate neutral and carbon neutral are two different things. Duke is taking the next step by attempting to maintain all levels of ALL greenhouse gases. This plan is incredible and relies on time, but it is doable.

It is not fair of me to say that all schools should make a plan similar to Duke’s. Duke will “use external funding to help finance the project.” The reality is that not every major university has enough funding to take big steps to become completely eco-friendly. I think if schools really want to change they will. I hate to say it, but if there is not anything in it for them they may not do it. How do we get major industries to change unless it becomes a law?

Update: I completely forgot to site my information, but here it is.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The next step

So here’s the deal. I have been thinking about the two sides we have. The most important thing they agree upon is that changes are occurring to the climate. The differences as I have already stated is what/who is to blame. Skeptics think this is a natural cycle. Believers think humans are the cause. From the research I have done I believe that we have to do something. If we wait longer the problem is only going to get worse. My problem comes in with what to do that pleases both sides. Is there a compromise?
If each household makes small changes that fit into their lives then that helps. The goal is to maintain the level of emissions for the next fifty years. Hopefully in that time scientist can discover the real cause of the changes. Right now there is evidence that supports humans’ effects. I do not think we should rush into anything before fully researching. Once we start a solution it will be difficult to change, but it might also be too late.

What makes this problem significant is timing. Time does not stop. So if we do nothing, the level of emissions is going to get worse. If we have to do something in order to steal time, we should do something that everyone can agree upon. Here is what I am asking you: what should that something be? At some point soon the older kind of light bulbs will no longer be made. So you will have to buy the new ones. If the industries only give people a green option then this will force people to change.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Take a Look at These

Nature Vs Nurture

This blog takes a look at the influences of both nature and nurture. The blogger talks about both theories. By using personal experience the blogger draws you into the argument. It made me question why I am the way I am.

Overall there is still research going on because science is never complete. Check this blog out because it is informed and forces you to take a look at your own life.

Dark Matter

This blog investigates whether dark matter exists or not. After defining dark matter and why it is significant, this blogger goes directly into the debate. What makes this blog worth looking at is the tone. The whole blog if a conversation. Although there are big scientific words, the blogger quickly defines them making this subject easy to understand. You should take a loo here if the universe mystifies you and you want to know more.

The End of the World

It is said that the world will end on December 21, 2012. This blog looks for evidence to invalidate this claim. What the blogger discovers is that young people are more likely to believe this and research it. They also bring up humans' curiosity of death. Personally this topic scares me. This blogger successful presents information without scaring the readers. This is more effective because fear sometimes makes me stop reading. Check this blog out. I think you will find some interesting thoughts on the end of the world.

Theory Post

The way I see it is there are two sides. People who believe humans are the cause of global warming and people who believe it is a natural cycle. The problem is clear, but the solution is not. So skeptics believe that global warming is not an environmental problem. If that is the case then why cannot we take precautions anyway? It is clear that the Earth's surface temperature has increased. If we make changes what could it possibly hurt. There really is not compromise. We either do something or we do not. Changes are happening slowly and surely to our Earth. Make some small changes in your life, which will lead to bigger changes for the Earth.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Analysis Post Part 3

Climate change and global warming are real problems that most people agree upon today. The issue has shifted toward what is to blame and what is the best solution. Many scientists are claiming that human impact (carbon emissions) is the source of the rise in the Earth’s surface temperature. While some skeptics believe that the Earth’s position to the sun and natural ocean cycles are causing the increase in temperature. Logically it makes since that humans have an impact on the Earth. Since the industrial revolution emission levels have increased. Scientists so far do not have any proof that a natural cycle is occurring. What they can prove is that emissions are dangerous to the environment. I think it would be beneficial to keep researching the cause of climate change. What should we do in the mean time to help the environment? I have posted various green technologies, but I think there needs to be a worldwide law in order to maintain the level of emissions, which would hopefully buy scientists enough time to discover the cause and find a more permanent solution. The best right now solutions are carbon taxing and/or cap and trade. Essentially companies have to pay for their pollution, which gives them incentive to use less energy from sources like coal and petroleum and use more renewable energy sources like wind, sun, and hydropower. The government needs to step in. Otherwise companies will not care enough to go through with these solutions. This topic is scary, but what makes it significant is not the survival of the human race. What is important is that from the evidence it appears that we are the cause. I feel responsible for what the future holds for our species along with other species. We cannot live our lives without thinking of the consequences, which in my opinion is what we have done for some time now. We see the changes, but we need to start seeing solutions.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Analysis Post Part 2

Skeptics (continued)

11) Info from site:
• Skeptics to meet in New York.
• Wide range of views including: change in temperature poses no threat and solar changes and ocean cycles are to blame.
• Larger companies that used to support these ideas now do not. They believe that humans are to blame. Changed views in order to change image.
• The big question to be dealt with was Has Global Warming ever been a big issue that needs to be solved?
• Models are not accurate and the changes are not due to one specific reason.
• Some Skeptics do not have scientific data. For instance one does not believe carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas although there is actual data that says differently.
• Climate changes are not happening in the real world only the computer world.

Having skeptics means that climate change is an important issue. This article from the New York Times proved that skeptics do not have scientific data to back up their claims. The skeptics that deny theories that have actual data are completely discredited. Climate change is a controversial issue, but I have not found evidence to prove that global warming is not happening. If skeptics want the public to believe them they need more than having meeting. I trust this site purely because of the newspaper’s credibility. It is also a fairly recent article dating March 8, 2009.

12)Info from site:
• “A dispute regarding the nature, causes, and consequences of global warming.”
• This dispute takes place in the media world and not in the scientific world.
• Is there a trend with skeptics?
• “Republicans tend to oppose action against a threat that they regard as unproven, while Democrats tend to support actions that they believe will reduce global warming and its effects through the control of greenhouse gas emissions.”
• More evidence leads to other problems such as: what to do and when to do it.
• Restricting carbon emissions might devastate the economy now. Others think that waiting to take action means that it will cost more.
• Are scientists under pressure to find data to fit a political mold?

I am cautious to trust Wikipedia. So what I did was look for interesting points that I did not think about before. This site made me ask myself a lot of questions. If the debate is in the media then why are we debating? Are skeptics afraid to believe the truth? The economy is in a fragile state. How we go about finding a solution depends on money. If we wait the problem could get worse. How worse we do not know. The worse it gets the more money we have to spend, but can our economy survive a solution now?

13) Info from site:
• Carbon dioxide can act as a greenhouse gas to heat the Earth.
• Carbon dioxide warms the earth slowly, not at an alarming rate that needs attention.
• Earth’s climate is “dominated by positive feedback,” which are not “settled science.”
• Current warming rates imply zero feedback.
• We do not understand enough about cooling effect and scientists are not willing to admit they are wrong.
• “Nearly all the man-made cooling aerosols are in the northern hemisphere, meaning that most all the cooling effect should be there — but the northern hemisphere has actually exhibited most of the world’s warming over the past 30 years, while the south has hardly warmed at all.”
• Man will cause very little warming over the next century.
• Scientists are slowly starting to understand natural cycle variations.

This site makes several good points. The most important is that global warming is not “settled science.” We do not know everything. Scientists are researching and using data to figure out what the cause is of the rise in temperature and climate change. Something important to remember is that weather and climate are different. It makes logical sense that humans have an impact on the Earth, but maybe it is not just us. The changes we are experiencing could be due to several things such as: natural cycles, the sun, and humans.


14)Info from site:
• The Earth will still warm, even if humans stop emitting greenhouse gases.
• The point is that the Earth will warm anywhere from 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The power is in our hands.
• Many countries are starting to cut emissions. Everyone can do something.
• Instead of making an enormous change in one area, researchers at Princeton University suggest we cut emissions using many different technologies (seven wedges). This way we could potentially stay at the current level of emissions for the next fifty years and possibly stabilize.
• Wedges include: improvements in energy efficiency, vehicles, increase in wind energy, increase in solar energy, increase in hydro energy, biofuels, natural gas, and nuclear power.
• There is also the possibility of capturing carbon emissions and storing them underground.
• Creating more forests and changing how we farm. This way we could “store” more carbon. By this we mean that since plants need carbon dioxide why not take advantage of them?
• There a variety of solutions. Each community can decided which option is the best.

Since this site is from national geographic I believe it is credible. What I like about it is the variety of options. Every region is different, which means that some solutions only make sense for specific areas. Like Wind Turbines are ideal for the coast not the desert. Giving people choice allows people freedom. Sometimes people feel trapped and do not know what to do.

15)Info from site
• Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are responsible for climate change.
• Answer: Reduce emissions before it is too late. Look for renewable resources instead of depending on fossil fuels.
• Answer is not so simple.
• Our society today demands energy. Coal and petroleum are the main sources of energy.
• We have not found any alternative source of energy that can replace coal and petroleum. Other sources (like wind, solar, nuclear, and bio) show more problems and the economy plans a major role in them.
• We cannot stop carbon emissions completely, but we need to find a solution for the bigger issue and goes along with the economic growth.
• Kyoto is based on give and take, which means that industries have to do something green that equals the amount of their carbon emissions.
• The best right now solution, which will lead to finding a solution for global warming and climate change.
• This tries to balance things so maybe we can maintain the level of emissions.
• Companies can offset anywhere in the world, which means they can choose a place where it will be cheaper. By hosting one of these projects underdeveloped countries not only get an economic boost, but they are going green.
• Businesses do not have to stop their normal routine.
• Change will not happen overnight.

This solution has a lot of benefits. Taking green solutions to poor countries would also bring economic growth. There are also a lot of problems. This site blame carbon emissions, but scientists are not one hundred percent sure it is emissions alone. This site also dismisses other alternative resources. Nothing is a permanent fix, but there are many options out there for reducing our emissions. I think this solution could work, but I do not think this is the only solution.

Info from site:
• Renewable energy can be replenished in a short period of time.
• The five most used are biomass, hydropower, wind, solar, and geothermal
• In 2008, renewable energy counted as seven percent of all energy used across the U.S.
• Renewable energy is primarily used to produce electricity. It is also used to heat homes and fuel (ethanol) cars.
• By using renewable sources we can reduce carbon emissions. Renewable sources of energy do not directly emit greenhouse gases.
• In the past, this energy has been more expensive. Other problems include location.
• Sources are growing, but we still depend on non-renewable energy sources to meet our energy needs.

So this site is made for kids. It has games and activities. I think the information given is very good. It is straight forward and does not get into the scientific language, which makes it easy to understand. What I did not mention above is that it defines each of the five main renewable energies. The only two I have not mentioned in my blog thus far are biomass (organic material that when burned releases heat) and geothermal (heat from inside the Earth).


17) Info from site:
• It is possible to put a cap on carbon emissions now at a minimal cost (less than one percent of U.S. gross domestic product in 2030) to our economy according to Dr. Keohane, director of economic policy and analysis.
• The longer we wait the more expensive it will be.
• We are taking a big risk by not doing anything.
• Effects Americans might see if we carbon-cap: new jobs, total job loss would be minimal, household consumption is expected to decrease, and households will see a small increase in energy costs.
• Cap and Trade: Allows companies flexibility be setting their own cap on emissions. If a company caps more they can sell their extra allowances to others for profit.
• Companies pay for the fuel, but not the pollution. Now that pollution has a value, companies will be influenced to pollute less.
• Cost will remain low only if we act now.
• This would give us time to research new technologies.

This site believes that we can help in the environment without devastating the economy even further. At first glance this solution looks promising, but I am still concerned about money. The reality is that a human cannot survive in this world without money. What if it turns out to be a huge waste of money? What if companies do not cap their carbon emissions? You would have to create a law requiring companies to cap and trade. With any solution there are possible negative outcomes.

18)Info from site:
• Article titled: Is a Bad Economy Good for the Environment?
• In the past people believed that economic growth came first, but now people are shifting their beliefs and feel the environment is more important.
• Weak Economy means that industrial production is down, which then means that emissions are also down. This slows growth in atmosphere and global warming.
• There is a lower demand for wood, which means that forests are not being chopped down. Since plants absorb carbon this is great news.
• Power demand is down.
• The point is that this gives us a little more time to make some big decisions of what to do in the future with global warming and climate change.
• Stimulate the economy by green effects.
• Green programs offer many jobs.
• The problem comes in with passing some kind of bill through legislature.
• Solutions: carbon tax or cap and trade. If the economy was stronger it would not as hard for the Obama administration to pass one of these ideas.
• Cap and Trade: revenue- 600 billion, which would fund programs to fight climate change and be returned as tax cuts.
• Increase price of fossil fuels. Would boost energy efficiency.

This article brings up an interesting point. Finding the light in a period of darkness. I think that it is possible to make changes for the environment without adding severe consequences to the economy. This article is from the Christian Science Monitor. I have never heard of this site, but the information seems to confirm what I have found on other sites.

19)Info from site:
• Solve the environment and economy at the same time.
• Not every country is putting money into renewable resources.
• The UN needs to step in. Assign a commissioner who would encourage countries to present green messages in everything.
• “Private money needs to be siphoned into a sustainable future through more forward-looking banks and finance houses.”
• More public money needs to be put into research and development of new energy resources.
• Industrialized countries need to encourage other countries to use green energy.
• Energy efficiency. Financial incentives can boost people’s concerns.
• Carbon Taxing.

This site confirmed the information I have collected so far. This article talks about how we can do both. So many people feel like we have to pick the economy or the environment. In reality we do not have to choose. What will have to do is give and take. If everyone makes sacrifices our problems might just be solved.

What is at stake?

20)Info from site:
• “The consequences are interrelated and actually start to compound each other as the earth's temperature continues to rise.”
• Melting glaciers: Polar ice caps could melt completely. Sea level rises.
• Intense Weather: More heat energy which fuels Earth’s weather patterns.
• Health issues: Strong heat waves may cause deaths. Allergies and Asthma will increase. Severe diseases will put millions of people at stake.
• Wildlife: Extinction of species. Coral reefs are at stake due to temperature increase of the water.

These are only predicted consequences. We do not know what will happen. I think that humans do have an impact on the Earth and the Earth has an impact on humans. In order to survive we have to make changes. I am not saying we have to make drastic changes, but I do not personally want to be responsible for wiping out a species. It is time for a change. All I know is that we cannot keep on polluting the Earth. It makes sense that pollution will make the Earth sick just like humans.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Analysis Post Part 1

Introduction/Define issue:

1)Info from site:
• Tougher action needed
• Argument shift: are the changes severe enough to warrant the cost of developing cleaner energy technologies.
• Warmed due to the rise of carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere.
• Evidence: Drop in the number of glaciers, Increase in temperature of ocean water which causes the sea levels to rise.
• Fear that limiting energy use will destroy economy.
• Cannot predict future weather so it is hard to come up with a solution.
• Hard/impossible to regulate each person’s emissions.
• Tax on Carbon: simple and effective, will produce money
• “Technology got us into this mess, it can get us out.”
• Solutions: develop clean ways to burn coal, increase energy efficiency, and consume less fuel.

This is a wonderful site because it uses quotes, graphs, and tables. It also has an extensive bibliography. The only issue with this site is it is dated January 27, 2006. I think it defines the problem: climate change. Not every piece of information is valid and fits into my argument, but I was able to pick out pieces that struck me. I love the idea that “Technology got us into this mess, it can get us out.” I never thought about it like this. Although humans are to blame, technology is the hidden problem. We invented technology that had so many benefits we did not think about the consequences.

2)Info from site:
• Without greenhouse gases, average temperatures on Earth would be -18°C (0°F).
• Carbon dioxide is responsible for about 70% of man-made global warming.
• Most scientists say that global warming of more than 2°C would be disastrous.
• Emissions reductions of more than 80% by 2050 are necessary to limit warming to 2°C.
• Global temperatures have increased by a little less than 1°C during the last 100 years.
• Since 1750 methane levels have increased by about 150%.
• Methane locked in permafrost soils could trigger unstoppable climate change if released.
• Methane's warming potential is 25 times higher than that of CO2 over a 100 year period.
• Over a similar period, nitrous oxide is about 300 times stronger than CO2.
• Carbon dioxide, once emitted, has a warming effect over several hundred years.
• Skeptics: People who deny climate change, people who accept global warming, but deny that humans are responsible for it, and people who accept human caused global warming, but do not think it is harmful.
• People are not aware of what they can do on a daily base to reduce emissions.
• Renewable energy is hard to plan for (there might not be enough wind or sun) so a smart grid is being proposed. This would allow several different types of energy sources to link up and produce electricity.
• This cite lists many solutions (including lots of geo-engineering)

What makes this site educational is that there are many links to pick and choose from. Instead of reading a long article this site allows you to choose the links that are important to you. To the side there are quick facts that give evidence of climate change and global warming. Several of the links are set up in a question and answer way. At the bottom of each article there are related links. Overall this site directly answers lots of questions and can point you in the right direction.

3)Info from site:
• “Many scientists believe the temperature changes are more dependent on the sun than carbon dioxide.”
• We know that Earth’s temperature and carbon dioxide rise and fall together, but it is not proven that carbon dioxide is the main cause for the rise in temperature.
• Carbon dioxide emissions will decline as fossil fuel sources decline.
• Climate Forecast: rise of ocean acidity which means that hurricanes may be less frequent, but more destructive, heat waves, heavy precipitation.
• Ways to tell bias. Look for a balanced report.
• Polar Bears have survived warmer weather.
• Make changes that make sense for your life style

This site is different than what I have seen so far. I thought emissions were solely to blame. Maybe the rise in temperature is natural. Even if we lower emissions the earth might still warm. This site also has a lot of charts. What comforts me is that this site pledges to reveal the “true science of climate change.”

4)Info from site:
• Scientists are sure the increase in carbon levels is due to human activity.
• “EPA plays a significant role in helping the Federal government reduce greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas intensity.”
• What you can do section: includes at home, at school, at the office, and on the road.
• Energy use is directly linked to the climate change. For instance if the temperature increases than people will not heat their homes as much during the winter, but they coll more in the summer.
• Energy use will vary by region and season.
• The change in weather patterns means that precipitation will vary depending on regions. Hydropower needs water. If there is not enough rain there will not be enough electricity produced.
• Power plants can be affected by heat waves.
• Future weather is unpredictable, but could compromise eco-friendly technology. For instance if the weather becomes cloudy then solar panels are useless.

The first I noticed about this site is EPA. The EPA is credible. The site is very user friendly. The main page has lots of different links so you can find exactly what you are looking for. The site also claims that they use a lot of different models and tools so that the information formed is more accurate. What are important to me is the flaws in eco-friendly technology. That flaw is the climate change. As changes happen, the technology might not be able to work because we do not have the natural resources needed like wind, sun, or water.

5)Info from site:
• The rate of warming is increasing.
• The Arctic is the most affected. Animals suffering from loss of sea ice.
• Coral Reefs are highly affected: die due to stress of warmer ocean water.
• Climate change and amount of destructive weather events are directly linked.
• Too much carbon dioxide. The plants cannot absorb it.
• Would not immediately stop global warming because these gases are naturally in the atmosphere.
• “Some experts point out that natural cycles in Earth's orbit can alter the planet's exposure to sunlight, which may explain the current trend. Earth has indeed experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every hundred thousand years due to these orbital shifts, but such changes have occurred over the span of several centuries. Today's changes have taken place over the past hundred years or less.”
• Makes many predictions: severe weather (droughts, hurricanes, or wildfire and other natural disasters), melting glaciers, and sea level rising even more.
• Warming could become uncontrollable.

I assume that since this is National Geographic it is credible. The site is organized by fast facts which are short and to the point facts. Basically you get what you need to know. My only issue with this site is the weather predictions. Other sites say that future climate change is unpredictable. We have no way of figuring out what will happen with the weather. I am looking at these facts as possible future predictions. Sometimes placing fear into people can achieve your goal. By looking at the possible negative consequences, people might become afraid and make changes.

Info from site
• Global warming not due to human activity (addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere)
• We are wasting time and money. And putting fear into people for no reason.
• Earth has warmed naturally and due to the sun.

This site did not back up the claims with facts. Dr Tim Ball talked about what he thinks and uses his education (doctorate in climatology) to win the reader over. He also uses personal experience to make the reader feel sympathy for him. At the end of the article he discredits politicians by claiming they do not understand science. The other information I have collected claims that human activity and the sun are both to blame for the increase in temperature.

7) Info from site:
• Greenhouse gas emissions come primarily from burning fossil fuels.
• U.S. emissions come from electricity, transportation, commercial and agricultural activity.
• U.S., European Union, China, Russia, Japan, India, and Canada are the biggest carbon dioxide emitters.
• In developing countries emissions are rising.
• Agricultural production could be a stake.
• Diseases will spread. Overall human health is at stake due to change in climate.

This site repeated most of the information I have already found, but I thought that some of the info above was interesting. Developing countries are a sticky situation. Every country wants to industrialize. The U.S. industrialized and polluted before humans knew the side effects. Now that we know the harmful effects, we should be able to come up with a way to develop a country in a clean manner. This site is simple to use and confirmed much of the information I already found.


8) Info from site
• Skeptics now agree that global warming is occurring, but do not believe that humans are the cause.
• The rise in temperature is due to natural cycles.
• Others believe that if it is just natural cycles than something has triggered it.
• Scientists cannot prove that a natural cycle is occurring. They can however prove that emissions are dangerous to the environment.

This site is straight forward. Being skeptical is a good thing. It forces you to search for answers. Scientists cannot prove anything. All they can do is find evidence to support a claim or theory. I think there is plenty of evidence to prove that human have impacted the Earth. Maybe it is not just our activity. This site claimed that humans may have triggered a natural cycle. While this may be true I have not seen evidence to support it.

9) Info from site:
• Claims we have not studied the arctic long enough.
• Scientists are quick to blame carbon dioxide emissions.
• Plants love carbon dioxide and can handle the amount of carbon dioxide produced from burning fossil fuels.
• Amount of carbon dioxide has been rising since before the industrial revolution.
• The sun is to blame for the rising temperature.
• Models only predict what will happen and they do not look at what is happening.

This site shows a skeptics claim. Some of these issues seem fair. Humans did not know we should be studying the arctic. When there are not any specific changes, humans do not look at what is happening around them. Of course carbon levels have increased. Our technology produces carbon. Science is not perfect, but scientists are busy studying the environment to discover what is going on. We may never know.

10) Info from site:

a) No evidence
b) One hundred years is not enough
c) Some regions show cooling.
d) Global warming is a hoax.
e) We cannot predict the weather.
f) The increase in temperature is due to a natural cycle.
g) No proof that carbon dioxide is to blame.

a) There are plenty of observations. The Earth’s surface temperature shows an increasing trend.
b) It is true that one year is not enough time, but one hundred years is enough to take observations and look for trends.
c) Global warming is just that: global. You cannot look at one site or region and draw conclusions. Climate is complex and varies among different places all over the world.
d) Every major science institution dealing with climate agrees that the temperature is increasing due to carbon dioxide emissions.
e) Weather and climate are different. So different that predictability varies. Climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time (usually thirty years). By averaging we are “smoothing out” the unpredictable nature of weather. By doing so our predictions of climate are pretty reliable. It is certainly not easy to predict weather or climate.
f) There is no evidence to prove that warming is solely due to a natural cycle. Plus there is a theory that states that the temperature will rise as the level of greenhouse gases rise.
g) In science there is evidence, which leads to claims. There is a lot of evidence that points to carbon dioxide such as climate models.

This sit is helpful because it takes a skeptic’s claim and disproves it. It also talks about the different kind of skeptics: “Uninformed, Misinformed, Cherry Picking.” Being skeptical is not a bad thing. Curiosity is in our nature. When you cannot support you theory or claim then it becomes invalid. This site makes me wonder if skeptics have any evidence whatsoever. So far I have not found any.

Small Problems

We live in a world where technology is developing every day. The problem with new environmental technology as I see it is it is expensive and scientists are not sure what the consequences will be. All of the technology I have listed so far works. It uses alternative energy rather burning more fossils fuels. Of course there are problems with technology.

Solar panels: The obvious problem is they need a lot of sun. During the cloudy months this will not work. But even if you are able to use the panels for some of the year you are still saving.

Wind Turbines: Require wind. The coast would be a great place for these. Maybe these huge devices are not that attractive but using the wind is a great way to save money.

Hydroelectricity: Requires a river and a dam. Pollution could be an issue. Depends are the company controlling the dam.

My point is that there are problems with technology, but a small thing can make a difference. More problems to come.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The biggest assumptions that people have about going green is that it is expensive and difficult.This post will list several different ways to go green at home for little to no money.

• Replace your light bulbs with Compact Florescent light bulbs. These are not only eco-friendly (use 75% less electricity), but they will last longer and save you money.

• Unplug electronics that are not in use. Having things plugged in can waste electricity and money. Using a power strip makes this easy. Just turn the power switch off when your electronics are not in use.

• Recycle old electronics. Recycling means that old cell phones and keyboards will not end up in a landfill. Recycle. Refurbish. Reuse.

• Support local farmers. Local food is usually organic and fresh. Food in grocery stores has probably travelled across the country wasting gas (burning fossil fuels).

• SAVE WATER. This is a big one. Fresh water is hard to come by in so many countries all over the world. By conserving water we are helping the world and not depleting reservoirs. There are many ways to conserve water.
1) Taking showers uses less water than taking baths.
2) Take shorter showers.
3) Replace your shower head with a low-flow one. This will save water and money.
4) Fix any leaky or drippy faucets.

• Use energy star appliances.

• Always wash a full load of laundry and dishes.

• Wash with cold water as much as possible. This saves on energy/electricity.

• Use less gas by walking or riding a bicycle. *30% of carbon dioxide emissions come from vehicles.

• Skip bottled water and buy a reusable water bottle such as a nalgene or camelback.

• Find your local library and check out books. This is a great money saver.

Hopefully this post has given you a few ideas of how you can make a difference and maybe save a little money. I believe it is difficult to change your regular routine, but start simple. Ride public transportation once a week. Take one or two minutes off of your shower time. All of this info can be found here and here.

Another Possible Solution

Compost: Instead of sending waste to landfills, you can create a useful product out of food waste. There are many advantages to composting.

1. Compost helps the soil. It can help revive soil. Compost can reduce or eliminate the use of chemical fertilizers.
2. Compost has been known to help prevent erosion.
3. Compost can also help with pollution. Since the waste is not being added to a landfill, we are avoiding adding more methane to the atmosphere.
4. Overall, composting will save you money.

What makes composting so effective is many things we use from day to day are

What to Compost:
• Animal manure
• Cardboard rolls
• Clean paper
• Coffee grounds and filters
• Cotton rags
• Dryer and vacuum cleaner lint
• Eggshells
• Fireplace ashes
• Fruits and vegetables
• Grass clippings
• Hair and fur
• Hay and straw
• Houseplants
• Leaves
• Nut shells
• Sawdust
• Shredded newspaper
• Tea bags
• Wood chips
• Wool rags
• Yard trimmings
Just think the next time you use a roll of toilet paper you can use the roll as compost!

Things NOT to Compost:
Leave Out/Reason Why
• Black walnut tree leaves or twigs
o Releases substances that might be harmful to plants
• Coal or charcoal ash
o Might contain substances harmful to plants
• Dairy products
o Create odor problems
• Diseased or insect-ridden plants
o Diseases or insects might survive and transfer back to other plants
• Fats, grease, lard, or oils
o Create odor problems
• Meat or fish bones and scraps
o Create odor problems
• Pet wastes
o Might contain parasites, bacteria, germs, pathogens, and viruses harmful to humans
• Yard trimmings treated with chemical pesticides
o Might kill beneficial composting organisms

As you can see the biggest problem is creating odors which could possibly attract animals. All of this info can be found here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

So I have been looking into the technology behind the environment so to speak and here is some of my findings so far.
Solar Panels: Makes use of the abundant amount of energy from the sun. The panels work by collecting solar radiation from the sun and converting that energy into electricity. The greater the solar radiation the more energy there is to convert to electricity. So on a cloudy day you are out of luck. There are many advantages to using the sun’s rays. One is solar panels produce virtually no pollution. A second one is that after the start up cost you have free electricity. Basically this is a renewable source that is not going anywhere.

Wind Energy aka Turbines: Humans have been using wind energy for hundreds of years. Today we are able to convert wind energy into electricity. Similar to wind mills, wind turbines are mounted on a tower 100 meters above the ground in order “to take advantage of faster and less turbulent wind.” The blades have two sides which allow the wind to form different pressures. This then causes a rotor to spin which allows a generator to make electricity. These towers can stand alone or can stand in armies supplying electricity to a town.

Hydroelectricity: Placed inside of dams, huge generators are connected to turbine blades. When the water flows through, the turbine spins and power is produced. There are many advantages to using hydroelectricity.
1. There is virtually no pollution
2. Water is free from nature
3. Can reduce green house gas emissions
4. Small cost to operate and maintain
5. This technology is very reliable (we have been using this for long time)
6. It is renewable (rainfall replenishes the fuel)

In my next post I plan to look at the problems that arise when these technologies are used.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cooling the Earth

What started my thinking about the environment was an article on the BBC news entitled “Earth Experiment Could Buy Precious Time.” I was struck by the title and decided to read it. This article outlines a solution for cooling the earth. Basically scientists would be looking to whiter the clouds and increasing reflectance. This idea seems logical and eco-friendly. To make the clouds whiter, you need to increase the number of water droplets and decrease the size of the droplets by injecting a sea salt spray. The advantages of this idea are using water from the ocean and if any big problems arise it can be turned off.

The technology behind this is incredible. A FLEET OF ABOUT 2000 WIND-POWERED YACHTS. The problems with the environment have jumped started research and new technology. The biggest problem of all is money. The estimate for this solution is $10 million. Where does this money come from? Should each country help support this solution? A little money here. A little money there. Until we have the total amount. Somehow this does not seem fair to me. Maybe we should be looking for less expensive solutions.

Clearly I have not fully formed my opinion. Some days I think we have to do something now before the problem gets worse. Other days I wonder what solution is the best? I am going to start looking at other solutions and technology including solar panels and wind energy. If you have any ideas I am completely open.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So What? It's Just the Environment

The biggest issue with the environment is climate change. Everyone has an opinion on how to fix the gradual warming of the earth’s temperature. According to the MSN online dictionary climate change is a “change in global weather patterns: long-term alteration in global weather patterns, especially increase in temperature and storm activity, regarded as a potential consequence of the greenhouse effect.”

Greenhouse gases such as: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone greatly affect the earth’s temperature, by trapping heat in the atmosphere. The problem then lies in the extra amount of mostly carbon dioxide and methane that human activities produce. Due to the overall net warming it is difficult to predict the future. All of this can be found on the earth encyclopedia.

Solutions: Some superhero will not come in to save the world. Scientists are busy researching and looking for solutions. Most ideas revolve around decreasing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and finding alternative resources. Geo-engineering is defined as man-made environmental change according to Dr. Alan Gadian, a senior research lecturer at the School of Earth and the Environment at the University of Leeds, UK.

Why should any of this matter to you? We are all individuals living on one earth. When the earth is polluted or heated, we have to live with the consequences. The temperature change affects precipitation which affects crops. What if there is a massive flood that destroys land? There are over 6.7 billion people on the earth that need food. What happens when there is not enough to go around?